On, Mix and Meets
Meets and On Character Favourite Items and Food
CharacterLocationFavourite ItemsFavourite AccessoryMale CharactersCharismatchiBeauty SalonPastel Brush, Scooter, Canvas, Vanity Table, Hair DryerGozarutchiTama Sports PlazaHoe, Soba SetHatakemotchiTama FarmChick Nesting Doll, HoeKappappatchiGourmet StreetFlower Cracker, Frying Pan, Zero Gravity Room, PlanetariumKikitchiTama HotelScooter, UnicycleKiminanizatchiStarry…
Tamagotchi On Location Unlocks (and Meets)
Tamagotchi On Locations Tama Hotel – Opens automatically when going outside with your toddler Tamagotchi. Gourmet Street – Go to the restaurant and eat rice omelette more than 5 times….
Tamagotchi On Colour Change Foods (and Meets)
Tamas can change their colour by eating 5 foods in a row. No other foods or snacks can be eaten between to achieve this. Tamagotchi colour change foods can be…